April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

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April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month As spring blossoms and we emerge from staying indoors during winter, April also brings a reminder of critical awareness. April is Distracted Driving Awareness month, help Barnes Cohen & Sullivan spread important information for drivers to reflect on their behaviors behind the wheel. In a society where there are…

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Riding the Sunshine State: Florida Motorcycle Statistics

Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics While Florida is an attractive destination for many travelers, it is especially popular with motorcyclists. Sunny days tend to make more people be outdoors in many ways. However, while Florida has many sunny days, there are also many rainy days in the Spring and Summer months. An unexpected change in weather…

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The Dangers of Distracted Driving

Dangers of Distracted Driving According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, “driver distraction is believed to be a factor in a substantial percentage of collisions”. Research conducted by the NHTSA found that 10-50% percent of rear-end collisions may be related to distracted driving. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident due to someone…

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Pedestrian Safety Awareness

Pedestrian Safety Awareness  According to the FLHSMV, Halloween is historically noted as one of the deadliest days of the year for pedestrians. In 2022, Florida roadways had 2,590 crashes while 137 of them resulted in serious bodily injuries and 21 fatalities. Due to more families walking to trick-or-treat around their neighborhoods to celebrate when it…

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National Teen Driver Safety Week

National Teen Driver Safety Week The Law Offices of Barnes and Cohen would like to remind parents or guardians of teen drivers that October 15th-21st is National Teen Driver Safety Week. According to the National Safety Council, “car crashes are the leading cause of unintentional deaths for U.S. teenagers”. Teens are involved in more accidents…

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Check Twice for Motorcycles

Check Twice for Motorcycles   A 34-year old motorcyclist died Thursday, October 5, 2023 after colliding into another vehicle in Nassau County on U.S. 17. According to the crash report, “the man riding the motorcycle was headed south on U.S. 17 around 6:20 a.m. when the SUV, which was headed north, turned into its path”…

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Auto Accidents Caused by Drowsy Driving

Drowsy Driving Prevention Drive alert! Protect yourself and others while driving. As Drowsy Driving Prevention month comes to a halt, Barnes & Cohen would like to remind our community the dangers of driving without enough rest. According to research completed by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, approximately 20% of fatal crashes are associated to…

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Deadly Auto Accident – 2023

Deadly Auto Accident claims the life of three family members and leaves a fourth family member in critical condition. The DUI driver responsible for this tragedy was treated at the scene and taken into custody by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. The Auto Accident occurred in the Arlington section of Jacksonville, Florida at the intersection of…

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Barnes Cohen & Sullivan is a Jacksonville personal injury law firm dedicated to providing strong advocacy to personal injury clients throughout North Florida and South Georgia for over 40 years.

2747 Art Museum Drive, Suite 500
Jacksonville, FL 32207

1511 Highway 40
Kingsland, GA 31548