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Throughout Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia, the lawyers of Barnes Cohen & Sullivan are known for doing whatever it takes to secure compensation for accident and medical malpractice victims. After being in business for more than 40 years, our attorneys know how to get results for you. If you are suffering, do not wait. Call 904-396-5181 or 912-208-2578 to schedule your free consultation at our offices in Jacksonville, Florida, Jacksonville Beach, Florida or Kingsland, Georgia. We will come to you! We offer hospital and home visits. Hablamos español.
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Barnes Cohen and Sullivan Title

Barnes Cohen & Sullivan is a Jacksonville personal injury law firm dedicated to providing strong advocacy to personal injury clients throughout North Florida and South Georgia for over 40 years.

2747 Art Museum Drive, Suite 500
Jacksonville, FL 32207

1511 Highway 40
Kingsland, GA 31548

(904) 396-5181