Car Accident Lawyer

When do you need a Car Accident Lawyer? If you have been injured in an Auto Accident you probably want to hire an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer. Research shows that injured car accident victims that hire a Lawyer receive significantly more money than injured victims that don’t hire an attorney.

Barnes & Cohen Car Accident Lawyers have Winning Results. Our Attorneys won $2.9 Million for a seriously injured Auto Accident victim, $1 Million for an injured truck driver, we have won millions for injured victims and their families.

At Barnes & Cohen Personal Injury Attorneys, we Offer a Free Consultation. We will consult with you at no charge, we will listen to the facts surrounding your Car Accident and we will tell you if you need an attorney.

How do I choose a Car Accident Lawyer?  

When you are choosing a Car Accident Lawyer consider the following.

  • Experienced Attorneys at Negotiation and in the Courtroom.
  • Specialized- Choose a Personal Injury Attorney that specializes in Personal Injury Law and Car Accidents.
  • Licensed by the state where your Auto Accident occurred. Florida Auto Accident hire an Attorney licensed by the Florida Bar. Georgia Auto Accident hire a lawyer licensed by the Georgia Bar.
  • Local- Hire a local Attorney. Keep in mind -If the attorney you hire does not live in your area you may end up with an inexperienced Car Accident Lawyer and not the one you saw on TV.
  • Winning Results- Choose an Attorney that has successfully defended Auto Accident victims.
  • Free Consultation- Choose an attorney that offers a No obligation, quality Free Consultation.
  • Caring- Choose an attorney that you can relate to, one that listens an attorney that cares about what you are going through.

Serious Car Accidents Increased Since 2020

Serious car accident injuries increased during the pandemic, while fewer cars were on the road studies show drivers increased their speed leading to an increase in serious car accident injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration speeding-related car accident fatalities increased in 2020 by 17%. In 2019 NHSTA recorded 9,592 speed related car accidents, the increase in 2020 brought that total to 11,258. At Barnes & Cohen we realize every increase is another life lost and another family destroyed. The devastation effects every aspect of a family’s life.

Injured in a Car Accident, What is my Case Worth?

The Best Injury Lawyers will research insurance coverage and explore every possible option you may be entitled to, including non-economic factors such as compensation for loss of enjoyment of life, loss of a companion, and pain & suffering. What is my Case Worth? Every case is different, the injuries caused by a car accident are different, the cars we drive and the damages we encounter are different and the families that are affected by a serious car accident are different. At Barnes & Cohen Personal Injury Attorneys we offer a Free Consultation. At Barnes & Cohen during our Free Consultation we will listen to all of the facts in your case, then fight for the compensation you deserve including economic losses and medical expenses:

  • Medical Treatment
    Car Accident Injury

    Car Accident Injured? You need a Car Accident Lawyer

  • Physical Therapy
  • Home Health Care
  • Lost Wages
  • Loss of Retirement
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Prescriptions
  • Future Medical Expenses
  • Wound Care
  • Home Modifications
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Medical Equipment
  • Rental Car
  • Car Replacement Value
  • Car Repairs


Barnes & Cohen will look at every possible angle to get all the money you deserve, all the money you need to get back on track.

Car Accident Lawyer- Experience Counts when You Are Seriously Injured in a Car Accident

When you have been injured in an accident choosing a lawyer is an important decision. When you hire a law firm make sure you “Know Your Lawyer.” If you hire a large mega law firm chances are an inexperienced attorney with 100’s of other cases will represent you with the paralegal doing most of the work. At Barnes & Cohen we are “Big Enough” to fight the biggest insurance companies and “Small Enough to Care.”

Barnes & Cohen Personal Injury Attorneys specialize in all types of motorized vehicle accidents including Car Accident, Motorcycle Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Commercial Vehicle Accidents, Boating Accidents and other Personal Injury Cases.

Barnes & Cohen Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys fighting for the injured for over 40 years. If you have been injured in a car accident, we are here to help call us today for a Free Consultation.