Pedestrian Killed Trying to Save a Dog

A woman pedestrian killed trying to save a dog had stopped her vehicle on University Blvd. just south of Atlantic Blvd. The dog was lying in the street after being hit by a car. The accident occurred Monday night just after 10 p.m. The woman stopped her vehicle in the center turn lane. She exited her car and attempted to move the dog out of the street when she was struck by another vehicle. An SUV heading south on University Blvd. struck the woman.

The woman was transported to the hospital where she died from injuries sustained in the accident. The SUV driver stayed at the scene and was cooperating with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

Pedestrian Deaths

Pedestrian Killed

Pedestrian Accidents Increase in Jacksonville, Florida

Pedestrian Accidents have reached a 40 year high in Florida. According to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association ranks number #2 in the nation for the highest number of Pedestrian Accidents. Jacksonville Florida ranks among one of the top areas in Florida. Barnes and Cohen Personal Injury Attorneys have been fighting for Injured Pedestrian Accident victims since 1974. The number of pedestrian accidents continues to increase in our area. Barnes and Cohen Injury Attorneys believe together we can reduce the number of pedestrian accidents in Jacksonville Florida and South Georgia.

Safe Driving Helps Prevent Pedestrian Accidents.

  • Speeding is the #1 factor in Pedestrian Accidents
  • Alcohol is a factor 41% of the time 10% only the driver is impaired, 6% both the driver and the Pedestrian are impaired and 25% only the pedestrian is impaired.
  • Distracted Driving -Never use a handheld cellphone while driving. It is better if you never get distracted by talking on your cellphone. Remember it is illegal to talk on a handheld cellphone while in a school zone or a construction zone.
  • Never text and Drive
  • Never attempt to read your text or E-mails while driving.
  • Failing to Yield is one of the top factors in Pedestrian Accidents. Always stop at crosswalks for pedestrians, it is the law.

Pedestrian Safety Begins with You!

According to the National Safety Council Pedestrians account for 17% of all Traffic Fatalities.  

  • Equip your car with a road safety kit that includes a flashlight and a reflective safety vest.
  • Cross streets at crosswalks whenever possible even if you must walk a little further to do so.
  • Use a sidewalk if available if not walk on the street facing traffic.
  • Stay Alert never cross the street distracted by your cellphone.
  • Avoid alcohol and drug impairment.
  • Watch for vehicles leaving or entering driveways.
  • Watch for vehicles turning as you cross the street.

We encourage drivers to purchase a Road Safety kit for all of your vehicles. Make sure your teen drivers and the elderly drivers in your family have access to a Road Safety Kit. Make sure they are familiar with how and when to use it.

Injured in Florida, make sure you hire a local attorney licensed by the Florida Bar. Barnes & Cohen serves injury victims in Jacksonville Florida, Jacksonville Beach Florida, Fernandina Florida, MacClenny Florida, Lake City Florida, St Augustine Florida and throughout North Florida.

Injured in Georgia, make sure you hire a local attorney licensed by the Georgia Bar. Barnes & Cohen serves injured victims in St Marys Georgia, Kingsland Georgia, Camden County Georgia, Woodbine Georgia, Waycross Georgia, and Folkston. Serving in the South Georgia office in Kingsland Georgia Patrick Sullivan. Attorney Patrick Sullivan won one of the largest Auto Accident cases in South Georgia $2.9 million. Patrick Sullivan along with the oversight of Glenn Cohen and Chuck Barnes manages the South Georgia Office. The Kingsland Georgia Office offers expert legal knowledge, experience and personal service to the residents of South Georgia.