Stay Safe!

Stay Safe!

Hurricane Dora hit downtown Jacksonville, Florida in 1964 before turning to South Georgia. Florida’s Governor Bryant in the boat above surveyed the damage in downtown Jacksonville. The Ferris Wheel at the Jacksonville Beach boardwalk folded like a paper fan under Dora’s powerful winds. The devastation that Dora left in her pathway forever changed the face of Jacksonville Beach wiping out our boardwalk, leaving major damage to homes and businesses all over Jacksonville and leaving residents without power for over a week.

Jacksonville Florida Updates, Evacuations, Closures

Stay Safe! Stay up to date on Evacuations, Closures and the Path of Ian at Jax Ready 

What should You do to prepare for the storm?

Stay informed and updated on storm progress.

  • Find your evacuation zone and your flood zone
  • Secure anything outside that could blow into your home, windows or storm system, including signs, garbage cans/lids, toys, etc.
  • Pick up any litter or loose yard debris around your home and secure it in a garbage bag or container.
  • Low-lying and tidally-influenced areas should expect and prepare for flood conditions.
  • Gas and service your vehicles.
  • Charge your cell phones and mobile devices.
  • Fill jugs and lidded containers with clean water.
  • Inspect and secure mobile home tie-downs.
  • Listen frequently to radio, TV, or Weather Radio for status and forecasts of the storm’s progress.
  • Check your emergency supply kit- Check Flashlights and extra batteries.
  • Make sure you have an Emergency Plan with Your Family go over the plan with your children (Age Appropriate)

We hope Ian will not leave his devastation on our city. Hoping that each of you have everything you need to weather the storm and most of all wishing you safety through this storm. While our offices are closed for the safety of our employees. Please know that our attorneys and paralegals will be answering the phones and taking new cases on the phone and through the internet. Barnes & Cohen, we are here for you! Call for a Free Consultation and as always, No Fee Guarantee, We Win for you or your case is FREE.