When Vicious Dogs Attack

When vicious dogs attack you need an Attorney that specializes in Dog Bite Attacks. Dog Bite Injury Attorneys understand the difficulties you are going through and what you need to recover.

Dog Bite Injury Victims May be Entitled to the Following Compensation Due to Injuries.

Dog Bite Attacks

Dog Bite Attacks 4.5 Million


  • Medical Bills
  • Physical Therapy
  • Loss of Wages
  • Loss of Benefits
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Future Medical Bills and Therapy
  • Wrongful Death
  • Home Modifications
  • Home Health Care
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Loss of Retirement
  • Medical Equipment

Every case is unique, an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney will evaluate your case, research the negligent owner and fight for all of the compensation you are entitled to.

Vicious Unrestrained Dogs Attack

Recently here in Florida, Vicious Unrestrained Dogs Attacked an Elderly Woman leaving her in ICU. An 86-year-old Putnam County Woman was seriously injured in her own yard when 2 vicious dogs escaped from their fenced yard. The elderly woman, Gertrude Bishop was mauled by the two vicious dogs leaving her leg so badly injured it had to be amputated. Her ear was completely bitten off by the vicious animals. She had lacerations from the dog bite around her lips. She now has stitches around her mouth as doctors attempted to repair the damage left behind by the vicious animals.

According to the American Veterinary Association 4.5 million people are bitten every year in the United States. Florida is one of the leading states for dog bites. Many of of our staff and attorneys at Barnes and Cohen have dogs but we have seen the devastation unrestrained dog cause. We urge all pet owners to be responsible pet owners and observe leash laws.dog

Vicious Unrestrained Dogs often Repeat Offenders.

Barnes & Cohen Dog Bite Attorneys have seen this same scenario before. When a client comes to us with a serious dog bite injury many times our research reveals a dog that has bitten before and an owner that fails to restrain their dog. Too often we see Vicious Unrestrained dogs terrorizing neighborhoods for years. At Barnes and Cohen we work hard to make sure that negligent dog owners pay for the injuries, suffering and losses they cause.

At Barnes and Cohen We Understand the Difference Between Florida and Georgia Dog Bite Law

You may not be aware of this, but liability law regarding dog bites and dog attacks is different in Georgia and Florida. Florida has strict liability laws regarding dog bites, however, those laws apply only to the owner of the dog. Georgia law effectively gives dog owners “one free bite” if the owner did not know that the dog posed a danger to others. The owner can claim ignorance the first time around. However, there are ways to hold a Georgia dog owner responsible despite the statutory protection.