Distracted Driving Auto Accidents

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Distracted Driving Auto Accidents

Distracted Driving Auto Accidents Increase April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Distracted Driving Auto Accidents caused by driver cellphone usage has increased. Barnes & Cohen Injury Attorneys warn about the dangers. The number of serious Auto Accidents caused by Distracted Driving cellphone usage now surpasses drunk driving.  Auto Accident fatalities have increased by 12%…

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Jacksonville Florida-Tragic Crash

Jacksonville Florida-Tragic Crash Jacksonville Florida- Tragic Crash on 1-295 has claimed the life of a 48-year-old man and injured five others. The collision involving an RV and a sedan occurred on I-295 North near Old St Augustine Road. According to the Florida Highway Patrol the driver of the RV lost control and struck a sedan.…

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Barnes Cohen & Sullivan is a Jacksonville personal injury law firm dedicated to providing strong advocacy to personal injury clients throughout North Florida and South Georgia for over 40 years.

2747 Art Museum Drive, Suite 500
Jacksonville, FL 32207

1511 Highway 40
Kingsland, GA 31548